Wind Power Variability & Electric Power Quality

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Defence Universitary Center
Wind Turbine Animation

Wind Power Variability in the Grid

Ph.D. Thesis of J. Mur Amada,
Zaragoza University, October 2009.
ISBN: 978-84-694-3901-2

M. Arribas Torcal, R. Dufo-López, J.L. Bernal-Agustín, J. Antonio Domínguez Navarro and J. Mur Amada, "Optimización de sistemas híbridos fotovoltaico-eólicobaterías para abastecer poblados en África", XXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas. Valencia, 2013.

J. Mur Amada, J. Sallán Arasanz , "Power Fluctuations in a Wind Farm Compared to a Single Turbine", Chapter 6 published in the book "From Turbine to Wind Farms ", Ed. Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-237-1, April 2011.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Variability of Wind and Wind Power", Chapter 12 published in the book "Wind Power", Ed. Intech, ISBN 978-953-7619-81-7, June 2010.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Flicker emission of wind farms during continuous operation", 7th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farm. Madrid, May 2008.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Characterization of Spectral Density of Wind Farm Power Output", 9th Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation (EPQU'2007), Barcelona, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-9441-9.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Pace of Tower Shadow Fluctuations in a Wind Farm", 9th Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation (EPQU'2007), Barcelona, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-9441-9.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Wind Power Variability Model. Part I - Foundations", 9th Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation (EPQU'2007), Barcelona, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-9441-9.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Wind Power Variability Model. Part II - Probabilistic Power Flow", 9th Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation (EPQU'2007), Barcelona, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-9441-9.

J. Mur Amada, A.A. Bayod Rújula, "Wind Power Variability Model. Part III - Validation of the model", 9th Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation (EPQU'2007), Barcelona, 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-9441-9.

J. Mur Amada, Ma Paz Comech Moreno, "Reactive Power Injection Strategies for Wind Energy Regarding its Statistical Nature", Sixth International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farm. Delft, 2006

M.P. Comech, S. Martín, J. Mur, I. Franco, M. García-Gracia, "Modelling of squirrel cage turbine for voltage dips studies", Sixth International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farm. Delft, 2006

J.A. Domínguez, J.M. Yusta, A.A. Bayod, J.L. Bernal, M.J. Velilla, J. Mur, M.A. García, A. Diaz "Optimal Location of Small Generators in Weak Networks with Optimal Operation", ICREP '05 (Internacional Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality), Zaragoza 2005

A.A. Bayod Rújula, J. Mur Amada, J.L. Bernal-Agustín, J.M. Yusta Loyo, J.A. Domínguez Navarro; "Definitions for Distributed Generation", ICREP '05 (Internacional Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality), Zaragoza 2005

Angel Antonio Bayod Rújula; Joaquín Mur Amada ; Jesús Sallán Arasanz, "Improving the electrical value of Wind Power Plants", EWEC '03 (European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition). Madrid, 2003

D. García García, M.P. Comech, J. Mur, J.B. Arroyo, M. García-Gracia, "Grid Connection of Wind Farms", EWEC '03 (European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition). Madrid, 2003

Joaquín Mur, Ángel A. Bayod, Jesús Sallán "Profile of voltage in grids with wind farms" EWEC '03 (European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition). Madrid, 2003

Joaquín Mur, Ángel A. Bayod, Jesús Sallán "An Experimental Study on Power Quality Wind Turbines" EWEC '03 (European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition). Madrid, 2003

Ángel A. Bayod, Joaquín Mur, Jesús Sallán "Active system for voltage control in wind generation units " EPE '03 (European conference on power electronics), Toulouse, 2003

Joaquín Mur, Jesús Sallán , Ángel A. Bayod, "Statistical model of wind farms for power flow" ICREP '03 (Internacional Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality), Vigo 2003.

Joaquín Mur, Jesús Sallán , Ángel A. Bayod, "Power Quality Analysis of Wind Turbines. Part I - Static Análisis", ICREP '03 (Internacional Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality), Vigo 2003.

Joaquín Mur, Ángel Antonio Bayod, Samuel Ortiz , Roberto Zapata "Power Quality Analysis of Wind Turbines. Part II - Dynamic Analysis", ICREP '03 (Internacional Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality), Vigo 2003.

Joaquín Mur, Ángel Antonio Bayod "Characterization of wind farm energy production in a zone by artificial neuronal networks", ICREP '03 (Internacional Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality), Vigo 2003.

Angel A. Bayod Rújula; José A. Domínguez Navarro; Joaquín Mur Amada ; Julio J. Melero Estela, "Combined system for reactive power control in wind farms", IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2002), Sevilla 2002

Angel A. Bayod Rújula; José A. Domínguez Navarro; Joaquín Mur Amada ; Julio J. Melero Estela, "Hybrid Configuration For Reactive Power Management In Power Systems", Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2002). Creta, 2002

Ángel Antonio Bayod Rújula , José Antonio Domínguez Navarro , Julio Melero Estela, Joaquín Mur Amada "Configuración híbrida FC-TCR-FA para gestión de reactiva en redes eléctricas", XII Reunión de Grupos de Investigación en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Córdoba 2002.

M. Sanz A. Llombart A. A. Bayod J. Mur, "Power quality measurements and analisys for wind turbines", IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technical Conference 2000, pp. 1167-1172. May 2000, Baltimore.

M. Sanz, A. Llombart, A. A. Bayod, J. Mur, R. Sierra "Análisis de la calidad de la energía generada en parques eólicos" X Reunión de Grupos de Investigación en Energía Eléctrica. Santander, 2000.

M. Sanz, J. Mur, F. Gómez, R. Zapata , "Sistema de medida de calidad de red para parques eólicos", IX Jornadas Hispano-Lusas. Lisboa, 1998.

F.J. Martínez, L.C. Montanés, J. Mur, A. Llombart , M. García , "Modeling lighting arresters using SPICE", 6 th international Conference on INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY, CIMI'95. Zaragoza, 1995.


Software about Wind Energy

WINDFREEDOM, a piece of software to retrieve and analyze meteorological data worldwide, with emphasis on wind power variability and comparison of fluctuations among meteorological weather stations.

EQWIGUST, a piece of software that generates gust or random samples of equivalent wind with certain features. It is intended for use in wind turbine and wind farm simulations.

Free application for detecting contours in images using a multirresolution algorithm (project, program and code source) Multirresolution Image Processing Software

Lecturer at "Centro Universitario de la Defensa Zaragoza" from 2011

Defence Universitary Center

Profesor de la asignatura "Fundamentos de Electrotecnia", perteneciente al grado en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial en el Centro Universitario de la Defensa. (Lecturer of 'Electrical Circuits' in the bachelor degree of Management Engineering at the Defence University Center).

Libros docentes: (educational books)

Proyectos de innovación docente realizados desde septiembre 2011 (Innovative Learning Projects from September 2011, in Spanish)

Lecturer at Zaragoza University from 2000 to 2011

explaining inventor
earth magnetism

Mur J. "Electricity and Magnetism. Class slides" (in Spanish).

Mur J. "Virtual Electrostatic, Magnetic & Circuit Laboratory" (in Spanish) Usón A.; Letosa J.; Mur J. "Applied problems of Electricity and Magnetism" Problem 14, Lightning stroke in a lightning conductor (in Spanish).

The lectrurers of Electromagnetism at the University of Zaragoza (EDEMUZ) has developed for more than a decade teaching resources in technical courses of electromagnetism and other courses related to electrical engineering. We have also implemented procedures for active and cooperative teaching / learning in these areas, trying to anticipate the changes brought by the Bologna plan in higher education.

In this period, we have developed, in collaboration with the students, resources for improving teaching and we have conducted numerous studies of educational innovation aimed at the first technical engineering courses.

The main actions the group can be summarized as: obtaining grants from the University of Zaragoza for thirteen projects teaching innovation, implementation of an external evaluation of the results of student learning and teaching process, publication of ten national educational conference papers and four international conferences, implementation of a teaching methodology based on active and cooperative procedures in two areas of technical engineering.

Among the teaching resources developed, the 53 experiments available to perform in class or in laboratories should be noted. They are organized in a web site that describes the demonstrations and shows videos of them and some prototypes of large electrostatic machines. Some test questions are also available online and the websites of the courses that guide the student and facilitate their self-learning.

(EDEMUZ: Equipo Docente de Electricidad y Magnetismo en la Universidad de Zaragoza)

El Equipo Docente de Electromagnetismo de la Universidad de Zaragoza (EDEMUZ) ha desarrollado durante más de una década recursos docentes en cursos técnicos de electromagnetismo y otras asignaturas relativas a la ingeniería eléctricas. También ha implantado procedimientos activos y cooperativos de ensenanza/aprendizaje en estas materias, tratando de adelantarse a los cambios que ha traído el plan Bolonia.

En este periodo ha desarrollado, en colaboración con los propios estudiantes, recursos para mejorar la docencia y ha llevado a cabo numerosos ensayos de innovación docente orientados a los primeros cursos de ingenierías técnicas.

Las principales acciones del grupo se resumen así: obtención de ayudas de la Universidad de Zaragoza para trece proyectos de innovación docente, realización de una evaluación externa de los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y del procedimiento docente, publicación de diez comunicaciones a congresos docentes nacionales y cuatro a congresos internacionales, implantación de una metodología docente basada en procedimientos activos y cooperativos en dos especialidades de ingeniería técnica.

Entre los recursos docentes desarrollados hay que destacar los 53 experimentos disponibles para realizar en clase o en los laboratorios, organizados en un portal web que describe las demostraciones y muestra vídeos de las mismas, los prototipos de grandes máquinas electrostáticas, las preguntas de test disponibles online, las páginas web de las asignaturas que orientan al estudiante y facilitan su autoaprendizaje.


Photo shot by Esther Casas for an interview for a local newspaper (El Heraldo de Aragón) publised on 10/10/10 (view article pdf file).
Foto tomada por Esther Casas el 7/10/2010 antes de la entrevista de Patricia Ciria para un artículo publicado en el Heraldo el 10/10/10 (ver el artículo pdf file).

Degree Projects and Master Thesis about wind power

Rodrigo González Navas , "Diseño, construcción y análisis de un convertidor DC-DC de 1 kW", Universidad de Zaragoza, Septiembre 2013.

Joaquín Capilla Mozas , "Estudio de la variabilidad de la generación eólica en España", Universidad de Zaragoza, Diciembre 2011.

Raúl Vicastillo-Golvano, "Optimización de un banco de condensadores y reactancias en la subestación de un parque eólico" (Reactive power management in Spanish wind farms), Universidad de Zaragoza, Julio 2009.

Variability of wind power in some close sites in Spain
(Variabilidad de la generación eólica en diferentes emplazamientos en España)


Grid impact of a wind farm in the Jonic Islands
(Repercusiones de la instalación de parques eólicos en la red eléctrica de las islas Jónicas )

Stavros Koutsioumpas, "REPERCUSIONES DE LA INSTALACIÓN DE UN PARQUE EÓLICO EN LA RED ELÉCTRICA (Estudio estacionario y aplicación en las islas Jónicas)", Universidad de Zaragoza, Febrero 2004

Tutorials about Wind Energy

J. Mur Amada, "Introducción al control de aerogeneradores". 2005. (Introduction to wind turbine control). Documentation for a session at the master of renewable energy of the University of Zaragoza.

J. Mur Amada, "Curso de energía eólica". 2001, (Basic introduction to wind power and its control). ISBN: 978-84-95050-08-3.

J. Mur Amada, "Sensores meteorológicos utilizados en energía eólica" (2004). ISBN: 978-84-95050-40-3

Contact me at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa Zaragoza (Defence Universitary Center at Zaragoza, Spain).